I stumbled across this site the other night I think suits me very well. They are called Stay Home Club. Now not all items below are from them. Just #5 and #6. The cold out side easily persuades me to want to be indoors at all times. I found a few other favorite items along the way. This sick leather jacket that is on sale by the way, and one my favorite pieces of the set is the eye earrings. I'm mad for these along for those leather Converse. This outfit set is an urban recluse look. Comfortable to wear through day to night. I forgot to add a pair of jeans to this. I had picked a off-grey wash with cool zippers from Need Supply Co. to go with. To dress it up for evening I wanted to switch it out with either a black pencil skirt (safe) or a contrasting A-line skirt with color (risky, and I love risky). To complete an evening look switch out the sneaks for some hot heels.
So here's to all of my homies (that was on purpose) out there doing what we do best...stay home. Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Here is where you can find: #1, #2, #3, #4, 5&6 listed above, #7
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Hello!! I can't not believe it's almost Christmas already. I was recently reading one of my favorite bloggers BleuBirdVintage and came across this company called Tatcha. I was curious what their products were like. I went around and read all about each product and thought, "what the hell I'll give it a try!" And I'm so happy I did. I tried their sampler set you see below. They even included a list of how to use each product and what their purpose is. I was feeling really fancy.
- PURE One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil - 30ml deluxe
- POLISHED Gentle Rice Enzyme Powder - 3 x 1g packet
- POLISHED Classic Rice Enzyme Powder - 3 x 1g packet
- POLISHED Deep Rice Enzyme Powder - 3 x 1g packet
- RADIANT Deep Brightening Serum - 8ml deluxe
- SUPPLE Moisture Rich Silk Cream - 12ml deluxe
+PETAL FRESH Original Japanese Beauty Papers - 30 sheets
They have some beautiful photos on their website and you can read about their story here. I was surprised, but at the same time not to see that Tatcha has been raved about in Marie Claire, Vogue, The New York Times, Oprah's magazine, Bazaar, and the Wall Street Journal to name a few. I'm just wondering how I have never come across them before. I'm just happy I did and really recommend their products. I now have a made a wish list. Christmas is coming mom and dad! I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays and the snow. Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Bell-Bottom Runaway
It was sunny and I couldn't resist the urge to pack a bag a head out for the day...until the chill came then I headed in for a cup of tea.
I will have to get a better shot of my Fathers Model A but it was all strapped in for the incoming storm the next day. As many may remember we had a few stroms and tornados. This was the clam before the strom and it was a beautiful day.
What I'm wearing: ModCloth- Jeans, Top-Delias (old), Ruche- Shoes, Suitcase- was thrifted from a vintage shop in Canada.
And then it got way too cold. I have been having this feeling of just wanting to just pack a bag and head for anywhere my finger falls on a map. To get out and go somewhere unfamiliar and try something new.
Until tomorrow...Natalie
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Sunday, November 10, 2013
Learning To Laugh
We all know how to do this; laugh that is, but I'm talking about really feeling that feeling of happiness seep in to your chest. For a while when things get hard it occurs to me that people don't laugh and really mean it. When it comes to dealing with depression, losing a loved one, losing your job, or stress from work or school pushing down on you. Whatever the reason maybe all get stuck in a rut now and again. I have been in and out time and time again. What can I do? I always find myself asking. Taking a step back from my problem and look at what can I do, well I have one solution that keeps surfacing. Do something that really makes you laugh.
In a way that you don't care if it makes you look silly, that your laugh is a little louder that everyone else, that you start to get a cramp, you make others start laughing with you, or that you laughed so truly that you start to cry a little. That is a laugh of beauty. We always seem to forget this and find ourselves re-discovering it over and over. A simple step out of the rut.
I recently felt that school was over bearing, assignments are building up, stressed relationships, work taking over and all I did was complain and not like who all these things had me become. I had let myself forget how really enjoy life. It really is perspective on the whole thing. So I quit my job, caught up on the class work, and met up with a friend a really laughed and for the first time in a long time. I truly felt alive.
I'm not saying quitting your job is the answer, but I felt that was my choice for me. I had re-evaluated my life and found I have worked so hard to get where I am in my education that a part-time job that was making me put off and start to fail wasn't working for me. It is easy to tell someone be brave, but it's another thing to go and do it for yourself.
In a way that you don't care if it makes you look silly, that your laugh is a little louder that everyone else, that you start to get a cramp, you make others start laughing with you, or that you laughed so truly that you start to cry a little. That is a laugh of beauty. We always seem to forget this and find ourselves re-discovering it over and over. A simple step out of the rut.
I recently felt that school was over bearing, assignments are building up, stressed relationships, work taking over and all I did was complain and not like who all these things had me become. I had let myself forget how really enjoy life. It really is perspective on the whole thing. So I quit my job, caught up on the class work, and met up with a friend a really laughed and for the first time in a long time. I truly felt alive.
I'm not saying quitting your job is the answer, but I felt that was my choice for me. I had re-evaluated my life and found I have worked so hard to get where I am in my education that a part-time job that was making me put off and start to fail wasn't working for me. It is easy to tell someone be brave, but it's another thing to go and do it for yourself.
These are the people who make me laugh even when I forgot how.
We need these people to know what living is really all about.
For me I keep them close even if we are separated by states lines and plane rides.
We have laughed so earnestly that friendships have made a shelter inside me called home.
I have found words are freeing, as well as a good laugh. Take a leap of faith do something or be with someone who makes you laugh. Thank you for bearing with the long post, so until tomorrow...Natalie
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Monthly Read
Hello all! So lately I have been craving books. Lots and lots of books, and really should look in to opening a membership with my local book store. That annnd building a bigger bookshelf to hold them all. I have a shamefully small one from Ikea that looks like plywood, but it holds my treasure troves of adventures and odysseys all the same.
This Month/Part of September too(cause I'm slow at posting during school):
Read-Dear Girls Above Me by Charlie McDowell
This Month/Part of September too(cause I'm slow at posting during school):
Read-Dear Girls Above Me by Charlie McDowell
Now readers if you are looking for a book that can make you spit your $4 latte out your nose at probably inappropriate places (a.k.a. while riding the loop, on an elevator, or a wake(which you really shouldn't do anyways) to name a few) Well then this book is for you! Each page is a goldmine of it's own. Charlie McDowell has a true way with words, and I don't think I have ever come across a book that has made me laugh so hard I got face cramps and I'm pretty sure my laugh lines are much more evident because of this book. Below is just a few lines from his actual twitter feed that this book is based on. This goes out to you Charlie, please I beg you write more books we all enjoy reliving your comical suffering. I'll apologize but ALSO thank you.
Just finished-Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me by Mindy Kaling
This is up there with Dear Girls Above Me but I have to say it lack the coffee propelling through the nostrils effect. Still very entertaining and a really look into the inner 'Mindy'. We can't help but love this awkward extrovert because she is so sincere and witty. She is quite relatable in her little memoir of sorts and her tell -it-as-it-is attitude is purely priceless. So, this goes on my list of don't miss this book. Plus there are goodies like old pictures like this below:
Whenever I feel down I need only look at this picture lol
Just starting- The Diviners by Libba Bray
I've only started diving into this one and maybe I'm biased but Libba Bray is one of my favorite modern day writers. I was able to meet her a few years ago in high school and she was just as lovely in person as her books. Check out this video book trailer (I just love that people are doing things like this now) this story don't be fooled is a 1920's murder mystery thriller:
I recently bought Stephanie LaCava's book Extraordinary Theory of Objects
I know Barns&Noble's say's pre-order but I found my hardcover copy...well I guess I had to order mine as well...hm, well then moving on. Pre-order your own hardcover copy or paper back I don't judge...much lol but it has absolutely stunning illustration throughout this book. I came across this article written on the writer I have given the link too if you just click on her name above the picture. To say that LaCava has style is a major understatement. I admire her boldness as a writer as well as her fashion choices. I went a picked up this book mainly because I was intrigued by her being an outcast just as I had felt growing up moving to new places knowing no one and trying to grow up. I just love a good coming of age tale/memoir.
Pre-ordered- The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
This is a much anticipated book by far. Ms Tartt has only every published three books each a decade apart. There is an air of mystery about her just like with her books. I was captivated by the story line when I read about it online. Have you ever just read something about a book or caught a glimpse of the cover and have just been drawn to it? This particular book had such an affect on me. Sounds silly, but sometimes things like that are a sign like we are meant to do something for a reason. I follow those signs once and a while when they come along and so far only good things have come from it. I once was walking down a library isle scanning over the stacks looking for my next read, and then *THUNK* I hit a book sticking out of the shelf the others around it fell out all but that book. It was eerie to have seen that so I picked it up and read. To this day I love that book and I like to go back and find it on the shelf pulling it out just a little bit off the shelf waiting for the next person to stumble upon it(more like into it). I think it's a good thing to believe in fate once in a while.
Donna's other two works can be found here: The Secret History and The Little Friend now the question is will she ever publish a fourth book. I recommend reading about her she is quite a true writer. Not a fan of the lime light she tries to keep to herself, however, she is going on a book tour this year. I haven't be able to find all of her stops but I know the first is:
Thursday, October 31st
First Editions Club Signing
1280 Massachusetts Avenue
4th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts
to all you lucky ones who are going to the signing. Along with my self and you dear Chicagoans' I believe she only going to ten places for signings and Chicago doesn't seem to be one of her stops. Fingers are crossed just in case I'm wrong here.
Well that was a long post and thank you for stopping by :)
until tomorrow...Natalie
Friday, October 4, 2013
October Wishlist
Well here in Chicago we have been getting a glimpse in to fall(by that I mean it rains and its 50 degree's on day and the next afternoon its 83; all I have to say is Chicago weather is highly indecisive.) so on the cold rainy days(which I love!) I comb through online sites while jamming out on Spotify; you know like the cool kids do, with that 'What is love' classic head bob crossed with the Carlton dance...sexy with "nudge nudge wink wink know what I mean?" kind of way lol. Anyway, I found a few of my favorite items I have my eye on this month:
1. Origami boat necklace- For whatever the reason I've really been into origami boats ever since I was a child and even now my family has been finding little paper boats all throughout the house. I think they are simple and lovely haha.
2. RASA vest- I have the perfect jackets and blazers to wear this over.
3. Fox Mug-Regarding anything with a fox as well they are just my thing.
4. Foam- I have bought a few the past few months and I like how its as if I'm reading a blog in away. I really recommend it they suggest some of the newest hit bands and up and coming trends not to mention all the fabulous outfits they have put together. I NEED a subscription.
5. Babydoll- Number five is my Halloween costume this year I'm super excited to not be a Sailor for the 7th year in a row, yep I've been the same thing for the past 6 years. It really is a mixture between laziness and being cheap. To all of you who go all out every single year more power too you, maybe next year you can help me out haha.
6.Rouge- Simple, chic, and who doesn't need a good lip stain and rouge?
7. Le Animale- really cute wild creature totems and necklaces.
8. Heels- Gorgeous vintage little black heels with bows. Love them.
Other things on my fall wishlist I forgot to put is Pumpkin spice lattes, I smell fall just around the coffee shop. Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Due to a fight with my laptop I have not been able to post, but I have access and it is truly a Autumn miracle haha. Moving on, Now to the point I have been...wait for it, Instagraming! Now, you all say "Natalie like millions of people do this..." I understand that but I've been very excited about this, because that cheesecake I just posted doesn't just look good it looks delectable. I have been having quite the time. I confess I find myself addicted. If you want to follow me here or under nataliedust. Before a few months ago this whole culture was was some sort of social buzz I was hearing but not acknowledging. I gave in a signed up.
Now know your limits, because when we are drinking and out with friends and we think the picture is awesome(and it probably is epic, who knows?) and you think I should share this with the world, everyone will love it, and everyone will "like" the shit out of it(and we probably will). Problem being the next day we wake up with our victory headache* and you go on Instagram and you let an "uh oh" slip out. "I posted that?" and the 57 likes say "why yes you did and the Internet thanks you. We all had a good laugh" It doesn't matter you have misspelled the scrambled sentence in the description box, that you've hashtaged things that don't even apply to the picture(i.e. #scrambled eggs, #ghost busters, #haiku's, #grandma the cheating whore...whoa things escalated very quickly), or that your in just your bra and wearing a vest giving the camera your alluring drunk eye(one eye more open than the other/not even looking at the camera honestly). Now either you shudder and say "why did you people like this?"(mostly because we have all been there, but it's nice to see you have a good time/Guys:we can almost see your boobs...boobs.) then delete it, or can just own it be proud and say to yourself, "sexiest drunk eye you ever did see" and move on with life.
I now apologize for my long story that is based on true stories. Just have fun with it :)
*Victory headache-when one consumes too many of the following: beer, vodka, gummy worms, any shot period, pop rocks(don't snort these please), and while doing so one of the most epic party/gathering/social festivity/what-have-you ensues. Needless to say you have one big hangover.
Here is a bit of the kind of stuff I post:
Now know your limits, because when we are drinking and out with friends and we think the picture is awesome(and it probably is epic, who knows?) and you think I should share this with the world, everyone will love it, and everyone will "like" the shit out of it(and we probably will). Problem being the next day we wake up with our victory headache* and you go on Instagram and you let an "uh oh" slip out. "I posted that?" and the 57 likes say "why yes you did and the Internet thanks you. We all had a good laugh" It doesn't matter you have misspelled the scrambled sentence in the description box, that you've hashtaged things that don't even apply to the picture(i.e. #scrambled eggs, #ghost busters, #haiku's, #grandma the cheating whore...whoa things escalated very quickly), or that your in just your bra and wearing a vest giving the camera your alluring drunk eye(one eye more open than the other/not even looking at the camera honestly). Now either you shudder and say "why did you people like this?"(mostly because we have all been there, but it's nice to see you have a good time/Guys:we can almost see your boobs...boobs.) then delete it, or can just own it be proud and say to yourself, "sexiest drunk eye you ever did see" and move on with life.
I now apologize for my long story that is based on true stories. Just have fun with it :)
*Victory headache-when one consumes too many of the following: beer, vodka, gummy worms, any shot period, pop rocks(don't snort these please), and while doing so one of the most epic party/gathering/social festivity/what-have-you ensues. Needless to say you have one big hangover.
Here is a bit of the kind of stuff I post:
I love making videos
See doesn't it look yummy? yeah? yeahhh :)
I just want to say now how I have missed the blogging world. Well let the new posts and adventures begin!
Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Photos Of The Month
Ready for work
He leads a hard life
Snap chat: My friend Suze and Simba
It's time for Korean BBQ and Soju!
I got the good stuff, yummy!
Caitlin and I at Benihana/ A night of sushi and sake
Just some random photos from the month so far! Until tomorrow...Natalie
Independence And Fireworks
I hope you all had a wonderful fourth of July! My family and a few friends went to Six Flags. Sadly we only were able to go one 4-5 rides due to the long...and I mean long lines in the hot sun. There was lots of ice cream involved let me tell you. I was extremely exhausted for most of the day due to I woke up my brother and his friends at five in the morning for a seven AM flight, and I barely slept at all. So I was passed out on the drive home, but after my cat nap we got sparklers and lit up the streets.
Even if it's a bit late, happy birthday America! Cheers to the freedom, the friendships and of course fireworks. Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Even if it's a bit late, happy birthday America! Cheers to the freedom, the friendships and of course fireworks. Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Monday, July 8, 2013
In Bloom
I added a jade bracelet to my bun; just a little something to make it cute :)
Soak up the summer and take sometime to see all of it's fragile beauty. Spring is passed and the summer is in full bloom, so go live the plans you have been making and putting off. You don't want to find yourself saying "next year perhaps". Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Destination...The Dunes!
I recently went camping with a new group of people I am happy to now say, a new group of friends. This trip was amazingly mind-blowing. I met them all through a mutual friend and he invited me to meet this group he was going camping with and I was nervous at first. How well could camping for three days with people I didn't know go? Well I met them at a bonfire a few weeks before to get together and that was that. I was sold; they welcomed me like they new me my whole life. All we could do was tell stories and laugh into the endless evening. So, for three days we didn't have jobs, plans, or educations to worry about. I was just us, the sand and sun, smiling around the campfire.
Summer Is For Moments Like These.
Good ole Hemlock cabin
We decided she was a tree and we were all koalas lol
What I don't have photos of is us hiking and going in to the mud pits, or us on the beach. Every day was full of us being silly like these photos are. I also know we somehow slept through a massive storm that rolled through. unfortunately I woke up and walked around out side in the midst of it for what ever reason I had, and found myself locked out of my cabin at 3 or so in the morning. So as I knocked quietly, (from new information I now know they all heard me lol and most played the dead to the world card) but one co-cabin inhibitor took pity on me and open the door. Oh girls I will remember this just wait for our next camping trip.
Until tomorrow...Natalie
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Korean BBQ
I'll let you know I'm a huge fan of Korean Dramas. I often watch them on a site called Drama fever. I'm working on learning Korean, and I feel like I may have mentioned this before. I get food craving from watching this from Ramen, to kimchi and Korean BBQ.
Now this was my first time at a Korean BBQ restaurant in the Chicago land area. So I have no prior experience to compare it to, but I have to say it was pretty good. I heard it is best to look up before hand the do's and don'ts. I have to say makes me feel a little less nervous. I had a lingering feeling something was going to catch on fire...happily nothing did. I call that a success!
My friend Ryan and I got there and the waiter could just tell we were confused. Taking pity on us he pointed out stuff we may like and made suggestions. It was actually pretty simple, we were just nervous. Oh my goodness, let me tell you we ate so much food. I hoarded the meat and kimchi. So, after all my fears were put to rest and I was content with food, what could have made the night possibly better you ask? Well when I think Korean BBQ soju comes to mind.
Now this was my first time at a Korean BBQ restaurant in the Chicago land area. So I have no prior experience to compare it to, but I have to say it was pretty good. I heard it is best to look up before hand the do's and don'ts. I have to say makes me feel a little less nervous. I had a lingering feeling something was going to catch on fire...happily nothing did. I call that a success!
My friend Ryan and I got there and the waiter could just tell we were confused. Taking pity on us he pointed out stuff we may like and made suggestions. It was actually pretty simple, we were just nervous. Oh my goodness, let me tell you we ate so much food. I hoarded the meat and kimchi. So, after all my fears were put to rest and I was content with food, what could have made the night possibly better you ask? Well when I think Korean BBQ soju comes to mind.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Life as of late...
I've been starting new projects and brain storming about my future. I always draw a blank when it comes to making real decisions that will effect my life. I suddenly become hesitant, because I think I can't back out this is real life here; right now at my doorstep. The thoughts I find comforting in these times is that I can always change directions and take another path, but the point is that I was brave enough to have walked the last one. My equivalent to it to being in a forest and the main road diverges again and again into smaller paths and then they break off and so on, and just like that I can take another path I just have to wait for it to present itself to me. I know I am not alone and everyone out there is making plans and walking down new paths. To all of us wandering into the unknown, even if it scares us draw a map of where you have been so you can look back one day and without knowing it you will be amazed of how much you have done on your own.
Along my period of thought and process here's what I've been doing...
Working on my book:
I really want to share it with you all, but I feel the time is just not right yet. I am still drafting it, writing it, and making big changes. I will share that it is about love, big choices, adventure, coming of age, loss, forgiveness, and never forgetting who your family is. I'm really excited about working on this; I wake up sometimes just as I'm about to fall asleep and get a rush of new ideas. I hope people will enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. So I'll keep you posted when I'm ready to share it. also I've been playing around with photography and taking pictures of my town because inspiration for the setting.
I can't stop. I've been on a rampage of pages and books. I can't recommend just one since I loved so many but I will say they are like taking little adventures and break from work and stress.
I love my co-workers at The Limited! They are a fantastic group of girls, we are always having fun in between helping customers and projects. Of course there gets to be some stress, because it is a job. We all know when your boss isn't happy lol you won't be till you work hard and make progress. So I'm on a mission to do just that! I may be part time but I spend a lot of time there and I want to do well. I like when my co-workers tell me I have done a good job but when a customer go and tell my boss how amazing I was and really created an experience for them...that honestly makes my day.
I'm fighting with my sewing machine over a blanket. Haha, what I mean is I accidentally made a rookie mistake and I couldn't believe it. I had sewn the two ends together without pinning the right sides together and it came out all wonky. I only realized my mistake after I had sewn one side, and it was the long side...of course it was, Natalie, it was moral imperative. I had to had to do that. Well, here's to laughing at ones mistakes!
My family and I went to Disney for a week in Florida and I have a love affair with Epcot. Out of all the parks that one is my favorite. It is the culture and uniqueness of it. The first day we happened to go it was Constitution day on Norway. So, they had face painting, party's, and of course drinks! I was like a festival around the world. I'm really grateful for the time my family could spend together. There are five of us and my sister's fiance joined us as well. All of us being older it is hard to get all that time off to be together. These are memories I know we will make more of in the future.
Last ( sorry about the long post)
My Furry Friends:
My dear little creatures have been having a hard time. While we were in Disney, Dr.Watson was with a babysitter and as accidents do happen he escaped and was hit by a car. Now, he is okay now! When they called us they believed he wouldn't make it through the night and even if he did he would lose his eye. We were all beside ourselves with worry. If you have ever seen a family burst into tears at Disney it is really sad. Thanks to a wonderful facility they did everything they could for our little Watson. He spent a week in the animal hospital and they said it was a miracle his eye was saved. He came home all bruised and scabbed, his eye blood shot and on pain meds. after a month now he has fully recovered and is running around causing chaos lol and during our tip my Finley was also getting declawed so she was on special meds as well. And as if they all weren't having a hard time my oldest dearest Salem has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Now he is 13 years old and I love him more than words can really say, and I'm scared to let go and say goodbye. So until he decides he has had enough and hasn't gone on his own only then when it is right for him I will take him to the vet. Until that point he will be loved endlessly and snuggled even when he wants to just run away. I don't know how these amazing small creatures came to be ours but I'm so happy I also get to be theirs.
Well then that is life right? Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Sister Style
Trust me this may never happen again. My sister is not a fashion fan, like I am. She loves to get dressed up but not for everyday hangout time like today was. I threw clothes on her bed and commanded, "wear these!" I had a little back up with her fiance. Natalie:1, Jen: 0. But I have to say she is a good sport in humoring me most of the times. My sister is the tech genius in our home. She works for Geek Squad at Best Buy. Now compared to me I have a hard time with tech stuff, an example is I learned how to work a blue ray player this year and an Xbox the last. I make up for it in my own ways but I'll try ti sneak Jen into more of my photos here!
but before the rain we headed out for a few errands and got Panera! I had a delicious mango smoothie :) I wanted to take more photos but the sun disappeared due to the pending storm.
Until tomorrow...Natalie
and this day was particularly humid so we didn't even bother with hair styles (good thing too, because it poured rain like nobodies business and we had to help our mom at a festival and got soaked)
but before the rain we headed out for a few errands and got Panera! I had a delicious mango smoothie :) I wanted to take more photos but the sun disappeared due to the pending storm.
Until tomorrow...Natalie
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