I don't know about you guys but I'm ready for Spring to be here; make it's move on the flowers and birds.
Here are some of the things I miss about Spring that I also look forward too:
Steamy coffee breaks on hikes on early Sunday mornings
Dew on the grass
Being in the sunshine
Letting my hair blow in the fresh winds
Playing my records with my friends
Spring a time of renewal. It is a time to me where everything comes to life, from the standstill that was winter. It is my favorite season by far; I wake up to sweet scents of lavender blooms caught on the wind and in the early day I savor the soft songs of new life as I like the sun rise and start a new. Something about the season I can't quite put my finger on it makes me love it so; maybe its the gentle chill that pricks my skin or the vivid colors that grab a hold of the vibrant hues of wild flowers and trees. Well, here's hoping that ground hog doesn't see his shadow. Until tomorrow...Natalie
Life at the moment has me caught up in the whirl of chaos. I feel like I'm being blown by the strong winds in different directions and I'm trying to find my feet on the ground at some point. I am in need of motivation and inspiration, and to know there will be change.
I’m trying this new thing where once a month I will take a
photo every hour for my whole day. This is actually a challenge lol. So, here I
8 AM- need my morning coffee
9 AM-Salem looked so cute!
10 AM-Poetry homework
11 AM- I planted a dying fern lol, and a lavender plant!
12 AM- Off to class!
1 PM- Finley and I snuggled
2 PM- Put away Christmas decor
3 PM- I spotted more Coyotes out and about
(I live near a forest preserve so they are always around)
4 PM- Went off to bake with a friend
5 PM-Had to wear the ugliest bowling shows ever
7 PM- This is my Brother doing poorly at bowling Muahaha
8 PM- In case you were wondering I won lol
9 PM- Lavender tea time
10 PM- The Royal Tenenbaums with popcorn
Well I had a fun long day but its quite difficult to remember to take photos all the time but I think everyone should give it a go every now and again. Until tomorrow...Natalie
Today I wanted to share one of my interests is slam poetry,
and I will be posting more about it specifically in another post but today I
thought I’d introduce my love of Watsky. A sir Gerorge Watsky is a American
rapper and poet some of you I assume have heard of him if not then ta da! Here
is a chance to discover for yourself what a cool cat he is. A San Fran native
that adores his city likes to performs slam poetry, and was featured on Season
6 of Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry on HBO. Watsky’s talents began to
receive national and international acclaim in 2006 when he was the Youth Speaks
Grand Slam Poetry Champion, and was also named Brave New Voices International
Poetry Slam Champion.
Below is one of my favorite for his performances called A letter to my 16 year old self
I’ve watched and listened to as many as performances and
slams he has done, the first time I heard his slams I was in awe at his sheer
talent, not just because he can also rap really fast but actually genuine
talent for poetry/prose and performance.
His about to start a huge tour and tickets in the U.S. just
went on sale, he will be coming to Chi-town here on April 9th! Guess
who’s buying tickets?? I can’t wait to see him live that and I’ve made a
resolution to go to more concerts this year. So anyone who’s a Watsky fan in the
Chicago area buy tickets and join us at the show.
A side note I feel as if I've been MIA from my own life lately I have been so caught up in work and the start of classes I have had a hard time reajusting so I will try to post more often! I just need to regain my footing be cause I have some fun posts planed.
I've been a bit under the weather lately, but I am looking forward to my birthday at the end of the
month! I have been making a wish list on my laptop. Although I know I best save
my money for my trip. It makes me sad today but I will be so happy when I’m in
Paris able to shop and eat yummy food. Also, I can't wait for spring to let the sun return! I was sunny the other day and warm out which is odd for Chicago in January, of course you can see Salem is enjoying it.
Book I’m currently reading: We, the Drowned by Carsten
Jensen. It’s a tale with a taste for adventure of love, and war, of men who
will go to sea and the women they leave behind. With ship wrecks, cannibals,
shrunken heads, forbidden passions, heroes, and so much more. I like to I’m
always traveling the world, all I need is a cup of coffee and a bookcase full
of adventures.
Watching: Twin peaks never fails to make me laugh. They
share my obsession with coffee.
And one year I sear I’m going to go as the log lady for Halloween
"Welcome to Twin Peaks. My name is Margaret Lanterman. I live in Twin Peaks. I am known as the Log Lady. There is a story behind that. There are many stories in Twin Peaks - some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are stories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery - the mystery of life. Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the woods. The woods surrounding Twin Peaks. To introduce this story, let me just say it encompasses the all - it is beyond the "fire", though few would know that meaning. It is a story of many, but begins with one - and I knew her. The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one."~The log lady
Funny Face made in 1957 and fell in love with the beautiful George and Ira Gershwin songs like "S'Wonderful and How Long Has This Been Going On?". One of my absolute faves, plus it has Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire in it. Audrey is playing an assistant in a bookshop. I was younger when I saw this and it made an impression on me. Here is a woman who is confident, beautiful, smart, and might I add quite a dancer. Well, it wasn't until I was older I realized this is where I adapted all my dance moves from unintentionally lol
A few of my favorite pictures, I love Fred Astaire and adore Audrey. The clip below is of in my opinion the best part of the film besides when they get together in the end, but it's very parisian beatnik and on this blog fits right in.
"I have no illusions about my looks. I think my face is funny"
Says the woman who is still considered one of the most beautiful women in history. I hope future generatiuons are as inspired bu her as much as I have been. Until tomorrow...Natalie.
my I have been having technical difficulties here so I was not able to post the
past couple of days. Anyway, With the past couple of days being crazy and work
fill today is a nice slow wake up but don't get out of bed kind of day.
everyone needs a day quiet every now and again. So I have spent the day sipping
one of my personal favorite drinks Izze (so yummy) also coming up with France/London
destinations to go to, if anyone has a suggestion I’d love to hear it!!
I found this really rad place I know you guys will totally dig. It's called The Hemingway, A favorite drinking spot of Marcel Proust, Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Coco Chanel, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and at the end of World War II, Ernest Hemingway after whom it was renamed. This small bar in the Ritz-Carlton is designed in Ernest Hemingway's style and features bartenders well-versed in Hemingway lore. Downside you will pay about 23 euros a cocktail. I think I should try at least one, mais c'est la vie, non?
Also there is the Montmartre gardens in France they look lovely
I'll get my list, my maps, get my plans and eventually get around to packing lol not a strong point of mine. I love adventures, question for my readers if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go, and what would you do there? Until tomorrow...Natalie.
Today I'm sharing one of my favorite sites it called yes and yes, and i adore the calender she makes. Called AYear in Yes check it out, it has funny holidays and I actually did them all last year and had a blast! it's really the little things :)
Ah the first day of the new year welcomed with the morning after pain of bright lights and loud noises but full of momories and nostalgia of the epic night before, its what a few of my friends refer to as a victory headache. Don't you think that would be a awesome band? We do! How was everyones new year? I hope you all had a geat new years eve and earned that victory headache of today.
Well its offically 2013 now and I sure everyone is feeling a sense in this new year to be different, to change, to finish every goal we set before the year began. We put this stress and pressure on ourselves to more and to push ourselves to the limit, but we to remeber to truely live a year in our life we need to stop inbetween the rush and breathe. Don't let the year just pass but take it in as it comes. The good with the bad. Today is your story with the plot unfolding before you with plans, events, an people. It is forever changing and being carfully scripted one chapter at a time. Just think if you went into a bookstore and picked up your life in a book would it be one you would want to read? If not, make it one.
One of my resolutions was to write more everyday, and I keep wanting to rush to the end of the stories I'm working on but I have to rememer there is more than endings. There is build up, moments, music, the fact that there are no endings just the start of the next chapter. So to that story of yours if you were left dissatidfied with the last chapter, I like to think of this quote:
Keep writing that next chapter. Until tomorrow...Natalie