Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Monthly Read

Hello all! So lately I have been craving books. Lots and lots of books, and really should look in to opening a membership with my local book store. That annnd building a bigger bookshelf to hold them all. I have a shamefully small one from Ikea that looks like plywood, but it holds my treasure troves of adventures and odysseys all the same.

This Month/Part of September too(cause I'm slow at posting during school):

Read-Dear Girls Above Me by Charlie McDowell

Now readers if you are looking for a book that can make you spit your $4 latte out your nose at probably inappropriate places (a.k.a. while riding the loop, on an elevator, or a wake(which you really shouldn't do anyways) to name a few) Well then this book is for you! Each page is a goldmine of it's own. Charlie McDowell has a true way with words, and I don't think I have ever come across a book that has made me laugh so hard I got face cramps and I'm pretty sure my laugh lines are much more evident because of this book. Below is just a few lines from his actual twitter feed that this book is based on. This goes out to you Charlie, please I beg you write more books we all enjoy reliving your comical suffering. I'll apologize but ALSO thank you.

Just finished-Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me by Mindy Kaling
This is up there with Dear Girls Above Me but I have to say it lack the coffee propelling through the nostrils effect. Still very entertaining and a really look into the inner 'Mindy'. We can't help but love this awkward extrovert because she is so sincere and witty. She is quite relatable in her little memoir of sorts and her tell -it-as-it-is attitude is purely priceless. So, this goes on my list of don't miss this book. Plus there are goodies like old pictures like this below:
Whenever I feel down I need only look at this picture lol

Just starting- The Diviners by Libba Bray
I've only started diving into this one and maybe I'm biased but Libba Bray is one of my favorite modern day writers. I was able to meet her a few years ago in high school and she was just as lovely in person as her books. Check out this video book trailer (I just love that people are doing things like this now) this story don't be fooled is a 1920's murder mystery thriller:

I know Barns&Noble's say's pre-order but I found my hardcover copy...well I guess I had to order mine as well...hm, well then moving on. Pre-order your own hardcover copy or paper back I don't judge...much lol but it has absolutely stunning illustration throughout this book. I came across this article written on the writer I have given the link too if you just click on her name above the picture. To say that LaCava has style is a major understatement. I admire her boldness as a writer as well as her fashion choices. I went a picked up this book mainly because I was intrigued by her being an outcast just as I had felt growing up moving to new places knowing no one and trying to grow up. I just love a good coming of age tale/memoir. 
Pre-ordered- The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

This is a much anticipated book by far. Ms Tartt has only every published three books each a decade apart. There is an air of mystery about her just like with her books. I was captivated by the story line when I read about it online. Have you ever just read something about a book or caught a glimpse of the cover and have just been drawn to it? This particular book had such an affect on me. Sounds silly, but sometimes things like that are a sign like we are meant to do something for a reason. I follow those signs once and a while when they come along and so far only good things have come from it. I once was walking down a library isle scanning over the stacks looking for my next read, and then *THUNK* I hit a book sticking out of the shelf the others around it fell out all but that book. It was eerie to have seen that so I picked it up and read. To this day I love that book and I like to go back and find it on the shelf pulling it out just a little bit off the shelf waiting for the next person to stumble upon it(more like into it). I think it's a good thing to believe in fate once in a while. 

 Donna's other two works can be found here: The Secret History and The Little Friend now the question is will she ever publish a fourth book. I recommend reading about her she is quite a true writer. Not a fan of the lime light she tries to keep to herself, however, she is going on a book tour this year. I haven't be able to find all of her stops but I know the first is:
Thursday, October 31st

First Editions Club Signing
1280 Massachusetts Avenue
4th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts
to all you lucky ones who are going to the signing. Along with my self and you dear Chicagoans' I believe she only going to ten places for signings and Chicago doesn't seem to be one of her stops. Fingers are crossed just in case I'm wrong here. 
Well that was a long post and thank you for stopping by :)
until tomorrow...Natalie 

Friday, October 4, 2013

October Wishlist

Well here in Chicago we have been getting a glimpse in to fall(by that I mean it rains and its 50 degree's on day and the next afternoon its 83; all I have to say is Chicago weather is highly indecisive.) so on the cold rainy days(which I love!) I comb through online sites while jamming out on Spotify; you know like the cool kids do, with that 'What is love' classic head bob crossed with the Carlton dance...sexy with "nudge nudge wink wink know what I mean?" kind of way lol. Anyway, I found a few of my favorite items I have my eye on this month:

1. Origami boat necklace- For whatever the reason I've really been into origami boats ever since I was a child and even now my family has been finding little paper boats all throughout the house. I think they are simple and lovely haha. 
2. RASA vest- I have the perfect jackets and blazers to wear this over. 
3. Fox Mug-Regarding anything with a fox as well they are just my thing.
 4. Foam- I have bought a few the past few months and I like how its as if I'm reading a blog in away. I really recommend it they suggest some of the newest hit bands and up and coming trends not to mention all the fabulous outfits they have put together. I NEED a subscription.
5. Babydoll- Number five is my Halloween costume this year I'm super excited to not be a Sailor for the 7th year in a row, yep I've been the same thing for the past 6 years. It really is a mixture between laziness and being cheap. To all of you who go all out every single year more power too you, maybe next year you can help me out haha. 
6.Rouge- Simple, chic, and who doesn't need a good lip stain and rouge?
7. Le Animale- really cute wild creature totems and necklaces. 
8. Heels- Gorgeous vintage little black heels with bows. Love them.

Other things on my fall wishlist I forgot to put is Pumpkin spice lattes, I smell fall just around the coffee shop. Until tomorrow...Natalie. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Due to a fight with my laptop I have not been able to post, but I have access and it is truly a Autumn miracle haha. Moving on, Now to the point I have been...wait for it, Instagraming! Now, you all say "Natalie like millions of people do this..." I understand that but I've been very excited about this, because that cheesecake I just posted doesn't just look good it looks delectable. I have been having quite the time. I confess I find myself addicted. If you want to follow me here or under nataliedust. Before a few months ago this whole culture was was some sort of social buzz I was hearing but not acknowledging. I gave in a signed up.

 Now know your limits, because when we are drinking and out with friends and we think the picture is awesome(and it probably is epic, who knows?) and you think I should share this with the world, everyone will love it, and everyone will "like" the shit out of it(and we probably will). Problem being the next day we wake up with our victory headache* and you go on Instagram and you let an "uh oh" slip out. "I posted that?" and the 57 likes say "why yes you did and the Internet thanks you. We all had a good laugh" It doesn't matter you have misspelled the scrambled sentence in the description box, that you've hashtaged things that don't even apply to the picture(i.e. #scrambled eggs, #ghost busters, #haiku's, #grandma the cheating whore...whoa things escalated very quickly), or that your in just your bra and wearing a vest giving the camera your alluring drunk eye(one eye more open than the other/not even looking at the camera honestly). Now either you shudder and say "why did you people like this?"(mostly because we have all been there, but it's nice to see you have a good time/Guys:we can almost see your boobs...boobs.) then delete it, or can just own it be proud and say to yourself, "sexiest drunk eye you ever did see" and move on with life.

I now apologize for my long story that is based on true stories. Just have fun with it :)

*Victory headache-when one consumes too many of the following: beer, vodka, gummy worms, any shot period, pop rocks(don't snort these please), and while doing so one of the most epic party/gathering/social festivity/what-have-you ensues. Needless to say you have one big hangover.

Here is a bit of the kind of stuff I post:
I love making videos 
See doesn't it look yummy? yeah? yeahhh :)
I just want to say now how I have missed the blogging world. Well let the new posts and adventures begin!
Until tomorrow...Natalie.