Monday, November 25, 2013

Bell-Bottom Runaway

It was sunny and I couldn't resist the urge to pack a bag a head out for the day...until the chill came then I headed in for a cup of tea. 
 I will have to get a better shot of my Fathers Model A but it was all strapped in for the incoming storm the next day. As many may remember we had a few stroms and tornados. This was the clam before the strom and it was a beautiful day.

What I'm wearing: ModCloth- Jeans, Top-Delias (old), Ruche- Shoes, Suitcase- was thrifted from a vintage shop in Canada.

And then it got way too cold. I have been having this feeling of just wanting to just pack a bag and head for anywhere my finger falls on a map. To get out and go somewhere unfamiliar and try something new. 
Until tomorrow...Natalie

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Learning To Laugh

We all know how to do this; laugh that is, but I'm talking about really feeling that feeling of happiness seep in to your chest. For a while when things get hard it occurs to me that people don't laugh and really mean it. When it comes to dealing with depression, losing a loved one, losing your job, or stress from work or school pushing down on you. Whatever the reason maybe all get stuck in a rut now and again. I have been in and out time and time again. What can I do? I always find myself asking. Taking a step back from my problem and look at what can I do, well I have one solution that keeps surfacing. Do something that really makes you laugh.
In a way that you don't care if it makes you look silly, that your laugh is a little louder that everyone else, that you start to get a cramp, you make others start laughing with you, or that you laughed so truly that you start to cry a little. That is a laugh of beauty. We always seem to forget this and find ourselves re-discovering it over and over. A simple step out of the rut.
I recently felt that school was over bearing, assignments are building up, stressed relationships, work taking over and all I did was complain and not like who all these things had me become. I had let myself forget how really enjoy life. It really is perspective on the whole thing. So I quit my job, caught up on the class work, and met up with a friend a really laughed and for the first time in a long time. I truly felt alive.
I'm not saying quitting your job is the answer, but I felt that was my choice for me. I had re-evaluated my life and found I have worked so hard to get where I am in my education that a part-time job that was making me put off and start to fail wasn't working for me. It is easy to tell someone be brave, but it's another thing to go and do it for yourself.
These are the people who make me laugh even when I forgot how.
We need these people to know what living is really all about. 
For me I keep them close even if we are separated by states lines and plane rides.
We have laughed so earnestly that friendships have made a shelter inside me called home. 
I have found words are freeing, as well as a good laugh. Take a leap of faith do something or be with someone who makes you laugh. Thank you for bearing with the long post, so until tomorrow...Natalie