Sunday, February 2, 2014

Will You Be My Valentine?

V-Day is coming soon, and I find myself wondering what should I wear? I have put together a few of my favorite things that are perfect for day or night. Valentines day is that holiday its okay to dress up all girly and cute. I used to hold a singles party on Valentines day named after the movie Blue Valentine. Instead of pink and red everyone was o wear blue. I thought I was clever lol.
Perfume:Coco Mademoiselle, Purse:Steven Alan, Shoes: Aminahabduljillil (they also come in new colors!!), Dress: Nastygal, Lipstick: Mac Russian Red. *Water color design I used is by a wonderful artist named Nancy. Check out her work here.

One of my favorite things about Valentines day was when I was little we all made own own Valentines box for everyone to put their cards in. We still break out the boxes to fill with our cards. V-Day as never the same when everyone made it a big deal that we were single. But really who cares, granted it nice to have someone special. It's not everything, so do something sweet for the family or friends you have. Imn the mean time don't forget to make some cards or make plans! Until tomorrow...Natalie.

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