Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saying Goodbye, But Welcoming Hello

We rose our glasses to toast to all the memories made, reflected and remembered of 2013. We now bid you adieu. What lies ahead for us this year? I've learned one thing from 2013: You are in charge of your own happiness. You want something? You have to be the one to go and get it. I have spent time hoping what I want would make its way to me. I always say I want so much out of life, so there is my answer. 2014 will be the year of pushing myself further and pursuing my own happiness. What will you do?

Reflection of some of my favorite moments of 2013:
Black Sabbath concert with good friends

 The fact I got this little love Finley <3
 Watching my brother spend month fixing up a Model A from scratch and take it to his first car show 
 Seeing this little lady after she her year abroad for a pint or two
 Halloween was one of the best
 our glorious morning after 

 She just likes to pose all the time awww
 Working on my skills 
 That dog makes me laugh (he kept rolling off the couch, but he is so small >.< )
 Rocky Horror night we get real serious lol
 Yeah we had a little too much fun

 Most of our photos from Disney look like this lol 

 ahh camping
My brother got my my first set of fancy colored pencils!
 My France/ England trip was amazing
 We have family photo shoots 
Best friends. 
Some of my favorite memories are attached to these photos. That's 2013 the good and the bad folks. So goodbye, and hello. Lets not make resolutions, but just go and be happy. Take more photos, meet with your friends more, spend more time with the ones you love, read more books, create art, learn to sing, or travel somewhere you long to go. Whatever you do love the ones you know, be kind to those you meet, and always smile at strangers. This is the year of possibilities, and who knows we all start as strangers. Don't let 2014 be a stranger. Say hello and start your adventure. Until tomorrow...Natalie

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